Kim Kardashian fan Jordan Parke, is so obsessed with Kim Kardashian that he’s spent over $190,000 (£100,000) on EXTREME cosmetic surgery and a designer wardrobe to look just like her.
Jordan, a 23-year-old make-up artist from the UK told The Sun: “I love everything about Kim. She’s the most gorgeous woman ever. Her skin is perfect, her hair, everything about her.”
Procedures that Jordan has had so far include botox, cheek fillers, eyebrow tattoos, laser hair removal, teeth veneers and an insane amount of lip-fillers.
Jordan says: “I’m addicted to lip-fillers. The bigger, the better. I’ve never felt better about myself.”
Celebrity cosmetic surgery confessions
Jordan recently also spent over $800 replicating Kim’s infamous vampire facial – a rather gory treatment using blood that the reality star tried out on TV. Jordan replicated it, showing off the creepy look on his Instagram page where his bizarre look has attracted over 15 thousand followers.
Jordan also collects designer bags, jewellery and clothes in a bid to be more like his idol Kim. He says that a nose job is the next item on his plastic surgery wish list.
The changing face of cosmetic surgery
With those insane lips and crazy eyebrows we think that perhaps Jordan may have taken his look to a far more extreme level than Kim Kardashian herself.
Jordan doesn’t seem bothered though. He says: “I laugh when people try to insult me by telling me I look plastic or fake. Do they think I’m going for the natural look? If I was, I’d ask for my money back.”

Jordan Parkes, 23, is so obsessed with Kim Kardashian that he has spent over $190,000 (£100,000) on EXTREME cosmetic surgery

Jordan has taken his look to the EXTREME. The procedures he has had so far include botox, cheek fillers, eyebrow tattoos, laser hair removal, teeth veneers and an insane amount of lip-fillers.

With over 15,000 followers on Instagram it seems Jordan is now becoming something of a celebrity in his own right for his insane look.

Jordan recently also spent over $800 replicating Kim’s infamous vampire facial – a rather gory treatment using blood that the reality star tried out on TV

Jordan also spends thousands collecting designer bags, jewellery and clothes in a bid to be more like his idol Kim.

Like the selfie queen herself, Jordan is certainly a fan of posing for the camera and isn’t bothered by people calling him fake.

What Jordan looked like BEFORE all the surgery – hard to believe it’s the same person!

Jordan as a little boy – it hard to believe it’s the same person that grew up to have such a cosmetic surgery obsession!

Jordan told the UK’s Sun: “I love everything about Kim. She’s the most gorgeous woman ever. Her skin is perfect, her hair, everything about her.”

Does he care when people criticize his extreme look? Jordan says: “I laugh when people try to insult me by telling me I look plastic or fake. Do they think I’m going for the natural look? If I was, I’d ask for my money back.’…”