Tears of relief were flowing this morning as family and friends received the news Gerard Baden-Clay has once again been found guilty of murdering his wife and mother of the couple’s three beautiful girls Allison Baden-Clay.
The High Court of Australia handed down its verdict in Canberra, reinstating the verdict which had been downgraded to manslaughter by the Queensland Court of Appeal.
Allison’s badly decomposed body was found on a creek bank in Brisbane’s west 10 days after she was reported missing by Gerard on April 20, 2012.
Her long-time friend and spokeswoman for the family, Kerry-Anne Walker, says the “decision comes with both relief and elation.”
“The law has acknowledged what we, who were closest to her, knew from that very morning Allison went missing – that is – that she was murdered,” she told ABC outside the court.
Baden-Clay was a prime suspect from the beginning. Detectives were alarmed by the scratch marks on his face, received as brave Allison fought for her life, and his unnervingly calm demeanour when they first arrived at the real estate agent’s home to investigate her disappearance.
Now, after an investigation and trial that haunted the nation, Allison’s friends and family have finally got justice for their beautiful Allison, stolen unfairly from this world far too soon.
“Today’s decision brings an end to Gerard’s attempts to smear Allison’s name,” says Kerry-Anne.
“If some were in doubt as to his true nature, his behaviour after Allison disappeared and during the trial must have removed that doubt.”
LISTEN: Gerard reports his wife missing to the police. Post continues after the video…
“Her legacy will be her beautiful three girls who, surrounded now by their memories of Allison and the love and support of Allison’s devoted family, are thriving in their busy lives,” she says.
“All who know them are confident they will go on to achieve great things.”
“I am in awe every day of how well Allison’s parents Geoff and Priscilla and her sister Vanessa deal with their day-to-day busy lives.”
“The girls are certainly a tribute to them.”

Allison Baden-Clay’s murder rocked the nation.