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I’ve been pregnant for 20 years

Filled with a desire to help childless couples, Jackie has borne an amazing 11 babies.

As soon as you walk into Jackie Smith’s house, it’s clear you’re in a family home. Toys and children’s DVDs are stacked in a corner, and smiling faces beam out from pictures on the mantelpiece and walls.

But while you might only count six children in the family photos, Jackie has actually given birth to 11 babies — the remaining five were surrogate births, with another two still in the planning. She’s also donated her eggs to childless couples and, at just 39, says she’s spent much of the past 20 years pregnant.

“I know I won’t be able to be a surrogate for much longer,” she says. “But I’ve had my own wonderful family and am determined to keep helping those who need me as long as I can.”

Married at 19 to husband Kevin, Jackie had her first child — also named Kevin — soon after. Caroline followed a year later.

“About three months after Caroline was born, I started longing for another baby. I managed to persuade Kevin that we should have a third child and Michael was born three years later. When I held him in my arms I was so thrilled. But only weeks later I fell pregnant again and miscarried, so that started me wanting another baby.

“Lorraine was born two years later and it was then that I threw out all the cots, baby clothes and prams, thinking I wouldn’t need them any more. I was happy with my little family.”

An egg donor

When Lorraine was just four months old, Jackie read about an urgent need for egg donation.

“The thought of being childless was terrible to me,” says Jackie. “I had my four beautiful children and couldn’t imagine life without them.

“Over the next few years I donated more than 50 eggs … I even got an anonymous card from one couple thanking me for making it possible for their baby to be born.”

In 1996, Jackie read a story about a woman who acted as a surrogate and she decided she wanted to help more couples.

“The first woman I acted as a surrogate for had had a hysterectomy for medical reasons,” she says.

“I felt an overwhelming need to help her and her husband have their own baby.”

Using sperm from the husband, which was artificially inseminated, Jackie became pregnant and nine months later gave birth to a boy.

“The joy on their faces when I handed over the baby was unbelievable,” smiles Jackie. “It was a roller-coaster ride of emotion for me. Carrying a child for all that time, then giving it away … but their happiness made it all worthwhile.”

For the full story, see this week’s Woman’s Day (on sale June 16).

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