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Is Schapelle Corby the greatest actress of all time?

Is Schapelle Corby the greatest actress of all time?

Schapelle Corby’s apparent crocodile tears and outrageous web of lies are exposed in an explosive new book, which claims her late father Mick Corby packed her boogie board bag full of marijuana and sent her to Bali as a willing drug mule.

Schapelle Corby might just be the greatest actress of all time. Since her arrest seven years ago at Bali airport with a boogie board bag full marijuana, ustralians have watched as Schapelle shed rivers of tears and appeared on the brink of insanity as she declared she had absolutely no involvement in the case. The desperation etched on her face has drawn sympathy from most of her countrymen and sparked high-profile campaigns demanding she be freed from her 20-year prison term.

The beauty school dropout was seen as the ultimate innocent abroad, caught up in a corrupt system. Now it seems Schapelle was putting on the performance of a lifetime, conning the world about her innocence while all the while knowing it was her father Mick, a long-time drug smuggler, who put her behind bars. Or at least this is what highly respected investigative reporter Eamonn Duff alleges in Sins Of The Father: The Untold Story Behind Schapelle Corby’s Ill-Fated Drug Run – an explosive new tell-all book alleging Schapelle is as guilty as sin.

“Schapelle took the rap for her father and his mates,” Eamonn says. “Loyalty to family ran thick through Schapelle’s veins. They had always been her lifeline, and dobbing in dad just wasn’t an option. She wasn’t going to ‘sing’ for anyone – there was way too much at stake.” Eamonn has spent the past three years interviewing relatives, friends and drug syndicate members, who all help to paint a picture of Mick Corby as an experienced smuggler who turned his daughter into a drug mule. “It was her father who packed these drugs into her bag,” he says. A family spokesperson told Woman’s Day Schapelle’s family would be making no comment on Sins Of The Father at this stage, while publisher Allen & Unwin kept the book under wraps until last week because of its claims.

The author says Mick had two convictions for possessing and using marijuana in 1973 and was openly selling the illicit drug as far back as the mid-70s, before graduating to smuggling as part of an international syndicate that stretched from Adelaide to Bali. He also says police seized 197 plants from the Queensland farm owned by Mick’s next-door neighbour, Tony Lewis – four weeks before Schapelle was arrested in Bali.

Read more about the Schapelle and claims in this new book in this week’s Woman’s Day, on sale November 14, 2011.

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