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I’m in love with my high school principal

As a 30-something single lady who found the thought of going clubbing to meet a male nauseating, I had to consider a more modern way of meeting a life partner.

I tried speed dating and internet dating but only met weirdo after weirdo. I wouldn’t say I was one of these fussy woman who wanted the perfect man — just someone who was funny, smart and kind of normal!

Just when it seemed hopeless and that I would die alone and get eaten up by my cats, I joined Facebook to re-connect with my old high school chums — and hopefully find a few desperate and dateless ones like me to boost the old ego.

I soon found myself with 236 friends and a page that was the envy of many — OK, so I may have been a little bit obsessed with this new phenomenon!

Soon I received a funny friend suggestion — my high school principal, Mr Freeman. I remembered him as a young, embittered gentleman who never cracked a smile. Nevertheless, I requested his friendship as a joke, which I knew would get a laugh from my online buddies.

The very next time I logged on, there it was — he had added me. I could hardly contain my laughter and I clicked on his page to see his profile and photos. I wasn’t surprised at all to see him single and still looking like he had never had a day of fun in his life. Now in his 50s, he was still quite an intimidating chap.

My online friends had a field day sending me messages poking fun at my new friend. I stayed up almost to 2am one time replying to them all, when I noticed a message from Mr Freeman.

He thanked me for adding him and told me he thought I was a kind and beautiful person inside and out. Being awake in the wee hours of the morning and feeling sleep deprived, I replied with similar praise. Mr Freeman, or John as I had been asked to call him, wrote to me often and we chatted about everything from music to sports to poetry. I began to see him in a new light, which scared me to death. I was beginning to have feelings I could not explain nor wish away.

John wanted to meet up for dinner and, as much as I tried to resist, his pull was too much. I met up with him, only to find that the silver hair, wrinkles and sourness disappeared into a sweet, caring and smiling man who was normal and nice.

The conversation just flowed and my cheeks began to ache from smiling. I was falling and I felt helpless. At the end of the date we kissed — it felt so right that I invited him in and he stayed with me all night.

I soon fell madly in love with John and we moved to the country because I said I liked the space and fresh air. But it was more because I wanted to be away from prying eyes and judgemental people.

I removed myself from Facebook and disappeared to be with my man. I know it is gutless but I can’t give him up and am not ready to show the world who I really am.

Names in this story have been changed.

Your say: Would you date your high school principal? Have your say about this true confession below…

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