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I’m having an affair with my boss’s wife

It all started at a cocktail party at my boss’s house. Rob (who is about seven or eight years older than me) had about 30 guests over to his apartment for what was meant to be a quiet birthday party. I didn’t know most of the people there and, as usual, I spent too much time standing over the punch bowl and drinking more than everyone else.

It was a pretty lame party and I’d just about had enough when somehow I ended up on a couch with my boss and his wife. My boss was telling friends of his about how well his business was doing when his wife — who I hadn’t met before — started to put her leg up against me. It seemed I wasn’t the only one at the party who’d had too much to drink.

Kylie introduced herself and got another round of cocktails. We talked, I made her laugh and she seemed to enjoy the conversation. As the room got darker and the party got louder, she started telling me things that I really didn’t want to hear — how Rob wasn’t a real man and he didn’t know how to treat a woman, etc. I didn’t know what to say, so I just smiled and finished my drink as quickly as I could.

I decided I should leave before things got out of control. I stumbled to the bathroom and was just about go to the toilet when I heard someone follow me into the room. As I turned around, my boss’s wife grabbed me by the head and kissed me. I got a bad feeling straight away. ‘Don’t stuff up a good job’, I thought as I ran from the bathroom and left the party.

I’d almost forgotten about the whole thing when she called me on my mobile at work about two weeks later. She told me that she wanted to see me. I asked how she got my number. She wouldn’t tell me. She persisted and I agreed to meet her at my flat (only because I didn’t want to risk seeing her in public).

She came around to my apartment the same day. I can’t really remember what happened but we ended up sleeping together. We had a glass of wine, Kylie promised me she wouldn’t tell anyone and then she went home. I spent the night worried about how I was going to look my boss in the face the next day.

Anyway, that was about six months ago.

For the last half a year, I’ve been having an affair with my boss’s wife. She comes over about two times a week, occasionally brings me presents and has even taken me out to nice restaurants a few times. One or two times she has come to the office when I’ve been “working back late”. I know it has to stop but I’ll probably have to look for a new job if I try and break it off with her.

It’s only a matter of time until we get caught but, the funny thing is, my boss just gave me a big pay rise. I’ve been walking around the office with a big smile on my face. The boss probably thinks I’m a happy employee, but he doesn’t know the real reason.

Picture posed by models.

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