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I’ll never believe he killed our boys

Cindy Gambino will be haunted for ever by the nightmare death of her three sons, but she clings to the belief that her ex-husband is not a cold-blooded killer.

Inquisitive toddler Hezekiah Moules’ blue eyes sparkle with delight as he pokes the lolly-covered cake his mother lovingly baked for his first birthday.

It’s a poignant moment for the tiny tot’s mum, Cindy Gambino, who had almost forgotten the sound of children’s laughter since a tragic Father’s Day outing two years ago claimed the lives of her three little boys — thrusting her into a living hell that is every mother’s worst nightmare.

For instead of helping to blow out candles, heartbroken Cindy, 36, has faced an agonising procession of missed birthdays and empty Christmases as she prayed and placed flowers on the graves of her adored sons Jai, 10, Tyler, 7, and Bailey, 2 — whose lives were cut short when their father’s car plunged into an icy dam a stone’s throw from their home in a tiny Victorian township.

Now, just two weeks after her former husband Robert Farquharson was found guilty of the triple-drowning murders that shocked the nation, Cindy vehemently rejects the verdict branding him a killer. And she says she feels compassion for the gentle man she believes wasn’t capable of orchestrating a vengeful crime just to punish her.

Clinging to her belief that a coughing fit triggered Farquharson’s supposed blackout and caused the fatal accident that killed her children, the heartbroken mum believes a terrible travesty of justice now condemns her ex-husband to a life behind bars.

In this week’s Woman’s Day (on-sale October 22) Cindy speaks for the first time about her sons’ tragic deaths and her firm belief that her ex-husband is innocent of their murders.

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