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I was held captive by a giant pig

Pensioner Carolyn Hayes made world headlines when a pig the size of a pony held her hostage in a terrifying ordeal.

When animal lover Carolyn Hayes befriended a stray pig that had wandered onto her rural property at Uki on the New South Wales/Queensland border, she had no idea she was setting in motion a reign of terror that would see the 63-year-old held hostage inside her own home, terrorised and fearing for her life.

“I’ve had huge carpet snakes inside my house, and while I’m used to stray animals and wildlife, this experience was like something out of a horror show,” says Carolyn, shaking her head.

The petite grandmother’s dramas began three days after she befriended the stray pig she had affectionately nicknamed Bruce.

“When Bruce first wandered onto my property a few weeks ago, I felt sorry for him,” she explains. “He had ticks in his eyes and a cut down his back from lantana in the rainforest. He looked like he’d been living in the scrub for quite a while, and because I love animals and couldn’t stand to see him suffer like that, I got the ticks out and put cream on his wounds.

“He was really friendly until on the third day. I decided to give him some food. I had no idea that by doing that, I had automatically turned myself from friend to his sole food source — and I soon learnt that when he wanted to be fed, he wanted to be fed now…”

Read the full story in this week’s Woman’s Day (on-sale October 6, 2008)

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