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I turned down a famous country singer

Ever since I was a teenager, I have had a thing for country music stars. Well, musicians in general. I suppose I like the idea of fame and fortune. There is something that makes them stand apart from normal guys.

This never translated into my love life, however, and I have never gone out with or even kissed a musician. I don’t even think I know any musicians other than the guys that sing karaoke down at the RSL on the weekend and I don’t think that counts. I suppose I have been a bit unlucky in love — though not for want of trying.

Two years ago, I met the most wonderful man. He is gorgeous, good to me and really sexy. We hit it off straight away and a few months later we got engaged. I couldn’t have been happier. We were planning a short engagement.

It was around this time that I heard about a country music festival near where I lived that was a two day extravaganza of music with my favourite singers. I decided to go, but my new fiancé wasn’t into music at all and none of my girlfriends wanted to go, so I thought, “Why don’t I go alone?”

Well, the day arrived and I was really excited. It was kind of weird being alone but the great music was worth it. Towards the end of the night, it was hot and I think I may have been a bit tipsy. I was waiting in the line for the bathroom when I realised that I somehow was in the VIP area. I’m not sure how I got there but standing next to me was one of my favourite singers! We started chatting and he was so sweet and normal. He was wearing a great big western hat and was so gorgeous! He invited me to have a drink with him and of course I went.

The night rolled on and we were getting on really well. Not only was he very good-looking but he was smart and flirting with me! I couldn’t believe it. I did think now and then about my fiancé but this was a dream come true.

The last bus was leaving back to town and it was time to go. I was torn. I thought, “Should I stay?” I knew that this man wanted me to. Or was I to go home to my fiancé and miss the last chance I had of living out my fantasy? Being there with him was so different to my normal, boring life.

The musician took my hand and asked me to stay with him. I couldn’t help but lean forward and we kissed. What a kiss! Something happened, though, and my brain clicked. I stopped, looked him in the eyes and said “Goodnight”. I picked up my handbag and much to his surprise, I left. I just couldn’t have lived with myself if it went any further. My fiancé was so good to me. He may not been as exciting as this country star but I wasn’t about to find love here.

I have been thinking lately, while in bed next to my now-husband, what would have happened that night if I had stayed? Would it have mattered? Would things be different? I suppose I will never know. But whenever his song comes on the radio, I like to have a secret smile to myself.

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