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I tricked my boyfriend into marrying me

Image source: Getty - posed by models

Image source: Getty - posed by models

I had been dating Anthony for about 18 months and I had always felt that I was more into the relationship than he was. He would always stare at other girls when we went out, which I was fine with, he could look, but he couldn’t touch.

We shared an apartment together and it was great, I was sure Anthony was the one for me and despite his wandering eye I was very happy.

However, I did have another niggling worry, for the last 6 months, our sex life had been slowly degrading to the point that it was almost non-existent.

I figured that it was because he was under a lot of pressure and stress at work, meaning he couldn’t properly unwind at home. My university studies were keeping me busy too, so it didn’t bother me that much.

It was only a few months later that I realised he was cheating on me. When he was in the bathroom I casually took a sneaky look through the messages on his phone and saw the one that every girlfriend/wife dreads to see.

It was from a woman unbeknown to me and said, ‘Yesterday was great baby, and I can’t wait to see you tomorrow.’ I was devastated.

I couldn’t bear to confront Anthony, I knew our relationship would be over if I did and above all the emotional turmoil I knew one thing for sure, I didn’t want to loose him.

After some scouting around I found out that ‘Gemma’ was Anthony’s boss’ PA, it’s such a cliché it would almost be laughable if it wasn’t true.

I didn’t know how long their affair had been going on, but from the other text messages I found it became clear that it wasn’t just a one-off. I was heartbroken. I couldn’t imagine myself with anyone else and my family was always pressuring me to get married and have a baby.

I told my best friend Michelle as she knew how in love I was with Anthony and I knew I could rely on her to help work out a plan to save our relationship.

She was 5 months pregnant and after a night of comforting and planning, we decided we would trick Anthony into marrying me because I was going to fall pregnant. I knew that it was a bad thing to do but then so was his cheating.

The following day I went to the supermarket and bought a home pregnancy test and kept it in my bathroom until after the next time Anthony and I had sex.

A month later I drove to Michelle’s to put our plan into action.

Later that night I told Anthony I had some exciting news, he looked nervous so I tried to calm him by explaining ‘It’s good news, darling! – I’m pregnant!’. He looked very alarmed and asked me if I was sure so I presented him with the pregnancy test with positive plus sign (courtesy of Michelle).

His face was priceless, his first words were, ‘you told me you were on the pill!’ I put on the water works, ‘don’t you want to have a baby with me?’, my plan was working.

The following day we began to plan our wedding. Anthony’s parents were very ‘moral’ so we couldn’t let them know that I was ‘pregnant’ until we were married.

We decided that we would take an unexpected holiday and get married whilst we were away at a registry and allow our families to have a small party when we arrived home, it was perfect.

We came home the following week as Mr & Mrs and I couldn’t have been happier. I had a ‘miscarriage’ 2 months later, where the cheating stopped and we were happily married!

Anthony and I have been married for 3 years now and we have our ‘2nd’ baby on the way, I haven’t even considered telling him the truth and I don’t think I ever will.

Picture posed by models.

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