Nurse Melissa Hobeiche works as a psychic medium, helping bereaved people to receive messages from relatives and friends who have died. In a rare interview, Mel talks to The Weekly about her gift.
You are a psychic medium who is able to communicate with spirits. You give people messages from their ones on the other side. Are the spirits the vehicles through which loved ones can get in touch and do you sometimes communicate directly with a loved one?
It can be both. I usually get messages from my guides. But a loved one with often come through and start a dialogue with me. They will tell me or show me things, no matter how trivial it is, to pass on to their family member, friend or loved one, so we can acknowledge who I’m communicating with.
Where do you make contact – in your own home or in a client’s home, or at a bigger event where you may have an audience – or all three scenarios?
I have done readings in my home, a client’s place of work and in their home.
How long have you been a psychic?
Literally all my life.
Can you tell us about your family? Are there other mediums in your family?
Yes, there are, but most of them don’t really talk about it or acknowledge it. I have my wonderful husband, whose support is everything to me. I have six children. Though some of them have the ability to become a medium, I don’t think they would follow me.
When did you first know that you had this gift?
At a relatively young age. I would think about unusual things – then they would happen. I didn’t understand it then, so it was a little scary.
Were you already interested in the spirit world at the time?
I didn’t really understand it enough to be really interested in it. I think I was a little afraid of the other side because the adults around me were. So, growing up, I had a little fear of the unknown until I got a little older. It was only then that I started to understand it, in the capacity I do today.
Had you ever visited a medium and, if so, why? Who did you want to contact?
Yes, I have visited mediums. As mediums, we cannot read ourselves and because I wanted to make contact with my mum, I had to seek another medium.
Are you able to make contact with your own lost loved ones in any way?
I usually know when they are around. For example, I will smell a familiar smell, or hear a favourite song in the distance. They will show me, point me to familiar things, or resonant words will just pop out of nowhere or occur in a dream. These are always things that I know and remember about them that maybe only I would know – they will get my attention that way. But I have not made direct contact, as I said earlier, because mediums find it hard to read themselves.
Have you always practised in Australia or elsewhere, too?
Only in Australia, but I would love to go to America and do some readings there.
How does a person know if a medium is genuine?
A person will know if a medium is “real” if the medium gives information only the client would know and can validate regarding the loved one they are wanting to contact. I encourage anyone wanting to visit a medium to find out as much information about them as they can. Find out if friends or family have visited the medium they are wanting to visit.

“I encourage anyone wanting to visit a medium to find out as much information about them as they can.” – Psychic Melissa Hobeiche.
Was your family supportive of your choice of career?
Yes, very supportive, especially on the days when it seems like I communicate with spirits more than them.
Did you have other careers before this?
I am actually a nurse and have been for about 20 years, although I have not nursed for six years now, but I have done contracts with organisations here and there. I have also worked as a service co-ordinator and as an employment support officer, both with disability and home care. I love nursing! It has been a passion of mine ever since I was little.
Tell us about your organisation Angelic Healing Light and what your mantra is?
Angelic Healing Light came about because I have been through some trying times in my life and with a lot of prayers, faith in myself and in my family, I got through it.
So, when I was trying to think of a name, what better one than Angelic Healing Light? Everybody needs a little healing at some point in their life. My mantra would be to “Treat everyone the way you would like to be treated”.
Give us an idea of the ages and some of the reasons why your clients have contacted you.
Ages range from their early 20s to late 50s. They usually want to contact their parents, friends and spouses. Some simply want clarity on what is going on in their life.
Have you suffered from naysayers?
Not yet, but I think no matter what I tell them, or with whom I make contact on the other side, it wouldn’t matter. I am not here to try to convince them – it’s up to the individual to take on board the information presented to them and process it.
Was there a particular contact/client that made you know for sure this was the right path for you to be following?
Yes, for sure. Not just one, I have had a few. One young lady comes to mind. She was in her early 30s. When she came to the appointment, she received some amazing messages from her ex-fiancé who had passed away from cancer. Strangely, he kept getting me to focus on her breasts and I felt a little awkward doing this. He told me to tell her to get a check-up on her breasts. She confirmed with great emotion that she had had a cancer scare concerning her breasts in the past, but would indeed go again to have another check-up.
Another was with a young man in his early 20s. He came to me seeking answers. I could feel he was very depressed. He was hanging around people that were using him and he had started to take drugs. His grandfather came through. His grandfather called out to him and communicated to me that his grandson thought about committing suicide.
I asked the young man about this and he said yes, he did think like this on occasions. While I don’t pretend to be a counsellor, just talking and listening to him that day changed his thinking. We still keep in touch from time to time. That day, he walked out of my home a little lighter.
Is it more difficult to make contact with a child?
No, I don’t think it is.
Why do you think some people doubt or are afraid of mediums and spirits?
Maybe it’s the fear of the unknown, or they don’t believe in life after death; they believe that once you pass, then that’s it, or if they can’t see it or feel it, then it does not exist.
Do some people leave disappointed or have unrealistic expectations?
Yes, of course. Some people come to me wanting to find out something specific. That is why I always start my reading by saying, “It’s not what you want to know, it’s about what you need to know.” In other cases, they may compare me to another medium or psychic they have been to. But each medium is unique.

I love all the sayings on your Facebook page (Angelic Healing Light). Do you have a personal favourite?
Thank you. My favourite saying is by the late singer Bob Marley: “The greatness of a man is not in how much wealth he acquires, but in his integrity and in his ability to affect those around him positively.”
How much does it cost to see you? How long are sessions and how many sessions do clients generally have?
I have seen some clients on numerous occasions. I love that they come back to see me, but I generally like it if they come back and see me about one to two months apart. It costs about $300 to see me and I do readings for an hour. If I need to keep passing on messages, I will usually go over the hour.
Do you need to be religious or to believe in God to believe in spirits?
No, just be open-minded.
Do you believe in an after-life?
I absolutely do, as all mediums do, otherwise how are mediums able to do what they do?
What other interests do you have?
I love reading – nothing like a good book – cooking for my family and watching a good movie.
Where will we find you at your happiest?
When I am surrounded by the people I love – my family and friends – doing what I love to do as a medium.
A version of this story first appeared in The Australian Women’s Weekly 2015 Health special and here is a link to Melissa Hobeich’s website.

To find out more about this story, as well as other health and wellness features, pick up a copy of The Australian Women’s Weekly Health magazine on stands now with Rachael Finch on the cover.