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I stripped for a stranger

Some years ago our family decided to buy a computer. It was funny, really. None of us had ever used one before yet somehow we got a very quick grasp of the Internet. I was particularly delighted at being able to chat to men from interstate and overseas. It was all good fun and much easier than meeting men in real life. And it all seemed like innocent fun until I met Andy.

I was chatting in a new room one day when Andy popped up. He was witty, honest about himself … and married. He was also about 12 years older than me. Yet we seemed to be instantly connected. As we both worked odd hours, he typed that he would be on again at a different time the following week. And true to his word he was!

We continued to chat and soon exchanged phone numbers. Of course, he couldn’t give me his home number, so he gave his work number with the “best times” to call. It was a bit tricky as his wife also worked for the same organisation, so we also worked out a code for when he was unable to talk because his wife was present. When he rang my house I had to lie about his status and tell the family he was just a single guy from interstate.

We stopped chatting online and as time went on struck up more intimate phone conversations and e-mails. He talked about the thrill of the chase and loved the tease I provided. One night he rang to get me to check the computer — he had sent an explicit shot of himself which I was to delete immediately, which I did out of respect for him.

So in return I stripped for him. I waited until a weekend when I knew the family was away. I hired a video recorder and taped myself doing a striptease for him with the works: costume and music. I sent it via express post.

As he lived in a remote area, the package took more than a day to arrive, much to my anxiety. Finally, he got it. He rang as soon as he got the parcel and talked to me as he was attempting to get it to play. To his dismay it wouldn’t play in his video machine, no matter how hard he tried.

I couldn’t believe it! I half wondered whether he had seen it and was just trying to spare my feelings, but he sounded genuinely disappointed. Out of respect for me he destroyed the tape so that there was no chance of it getting into the “wrong hands”. I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry with relief. Someone was sure looking out for me. I was lucky enough to escape with my dignity and a true friend. And to this day we have never met!

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