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I sold my body to pay the bills

I am 29 years old. I have four children from my marriage, which ended six months ago when my husband decided he preferred the company of men. I always felt and stated that he was more like my best girlfriend than a husband and provider. Got to love those gut instincts!

As a high-profile couple within our small community, we made the decision to not divulge my husband’s homosexuality, to the point where he stayed in the marital home and just moved into the bungalow out the back of the house.

Our children are aged seven, five, three and six months. It was a struggle to keep the family financially afloat with my husband’s low income, even more so when he withdrew his paycheck from the household.

We made an agreement to share the parental role. He would stay at the home and take care of the children each weekend and I would go and stay with my sister’s family. After my share of the mortgage and repayments of my personal loans and credit cards, I wasn’t left much money for food or clothing. I just did not know what to do. I had exhausted all my resources and was facing bankruptcy. I felt like such a loser.

During one of the many weekends with my sister, I decided to go to the casino on my own. I felt very low and depressed — my self-esteem had taken the worst battering and I didn’t know how much longer I could go on like this.

I sat at one of the tables and watched a live band softly perform the afternoon away with beautiful jazz tunes and for the first time in a long while, I felt myself relax. It was then that a tall brunette woman sat down beside me and introduced herself as Jessica. She handed over a business card, which stated, “Quality Escorts For Discerning Business Men”.

She had beautiful and obviously expensive rings, earrings, and necklaces. I looked at her with envy. Jessica asked me what I did for a living and that’s when I relayed my sad and pathetic story. She looked at me with surprise, then told me I should work for her. I would make a pretty penny indeed, she said.

I have been told before that I am an attractive woman. My mother was a beautiful dark-skinned Italian woman and my father was Malaysian. I have been blessed with high cheekbones, olive skin and long, straight, dark brown hair.

I would almost have been offended if the offer wasn’t given so genuinely. Jessica said she only offered sophisticated and very attractive women jobs. I should think about it and give her a call.

Monday morning I was back home, faced with four children, a new influx of bills and the news that my ex-husband had met a male lover and the kids had met him. I rang Jessica and asked her when I could start working for her.

The following Friday night I made $800, then $600 Saturday afternoon and $1250 Saturday evening for a 15-hour escort service.

That was eight months ago. I still sell my “services” to pay the bills. It’s not so bad; the money is good and the clientele generous. I know my family would disown me if they found out, but a girl has to do what she has to do. I have decided to move to a different state when the children are old enough to work things out — by then I should have enough saved to buy a new life, a new identity.

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