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I seduced the apprentice

Just married and embarking on our own business, my husband Jack and I were excited and optimistic about our future. Jack and I bought a panel shop in the suburbs since this was his previous occupation and lifelong dream.

I wanted the job of receptionist so I could be with my husband every day. But he said it would be better to hire someone with previous panel shop experience and besides, we were thinking of starting a family and he knew I wanted to be at home with our baby. So I decided I’d be happy to be the book-keeper and leave the hiring up to Jack.

On the first official day of business I walked into the office and was furious to find a gorgeous young lady with a huge chest behind the counter. “Hi, I’m Emma,” she said, before Jack interrupted and informed me she was our new secretary. Jack later assured me it was strictly a business decision and he was not attracted to her in any way and to trust him.

But whenever he worked back late or on weekends I let my mind run rampant with thoughts of Jack making love to Emma.

I decided I’d had enough one night when he was late home from work and had his mobile switched off, so I hopped into my car and drove down to the shop. I ran inside and was beside myself when no one except the third year apprentice, Tom, was there, sweeping the workshop.

He told me Jack and Emma had just left for drinks and he was the only one there. Seeing red, I decided to get my revenge and pulled Tom to me by his overalls and kissed him. Thinking this was a joke on him, he pulled away.

I then took his hands and put them around my waist and assured him this was no joke and I wanted him. He excitedly led me into the back of a car and we made love. It was over so quickly and then my head was spinning. I felt sick at what had just happened. I grabbed my clothes and fled home.

When I arrived I found Jack and Emma sitting at the dinning table with a handsome man. It turned out Emma and the man had just found out they were expecting a baby and wanted to invite Jack and I to celebrate over dinner. Realising my grave mistake, I made an excuse that I was feeling ill and went to bed, not wanting to face Jack.

The next morning I got a wake-up call from Jack to see how I was feeling. He said he would be home a little late from work because the apprentice Tom had quit and he had no one to put the cars away or clean the workshop. But he promised to make it up to me when he got home. I hung up and cried from sheer relief and absolute shame.

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