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I nearly set my mum up with my partner!

I was working in a boring, underpaid job as a receptionist. Every day the building manager would come and visit me to chat and to see how things were going on our floor. I would get him free coffee and biscuits and just enjoy his lovely company. The only thing was, he was 52 and I was 27. He was very handsome and fit for his age, and I thought he was very attractive. I decided though, that due to our age gap, a romance with this man was just a pipe dream.

He mentioned one day that he was single and I offered to set him up with my mum, as I thought he would make her very happy as he is such a warm friendly person. They both protested and wouldn’t have a bar of it. I had just recently broken it off with someone I was dating and he offered to take me out for pizza to have a chat and make me feel better. We became pretty good friends; he even offered to teach me to play golf! It was then that I started to realise that if he could be a friend to me, that something more could possibly develop.

So I asked him one day what he was doing on the weekend and he said he was going out for drinks. I asked if I could join him. He looked surprised but said sure. We watched the World Cup for a while at the pub but we left to go to an Italian restaurant at half time. I missed my train home so I ended up sleeping at his place — me in his bed and him, being the gentleman that he is, on the lounge.

After I returned home the next night, I got bold and sent him a text message asking him if he ever thought about kissing me. He eventually admitted he did. Our next date started off with us kissing in the car in rush hour traffic! We are taking it as it comes. But who knows, if my mum had agreed to meet him, I may have ended up falling in love with my stepfather instead!

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