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I made my best friend fat!

My flatmate Jenny and I had been best friends since we were five and we did everything together … until Alex arrived on the scene. Even on the first date, Alex was Mr Wonderful. He was constantly telling me how beautiful I looked and I was hooked on his gorgeous smile. I knew this was going to be something special.

Jenny, however, hated my intense new love affair, constantly moaning that she didn’t deserve to be the single one. The only reason Alex didn’t move in was because Jenny wouldn’t have put up with it.

The trouble really started when we started talking about marriage; she flew into a rage, screaming that I was fat and ugly and it should have been her to get married first. I should have seen this as a warning, but I was so happy at that time I just dismissed it. She was the beautiful one, the thin one, it must have been hard to take. But I should have taken her outburst more seriously, because before long things got much, much worse.

Not long afterwards, Jenny started making jibes whenever she could in front of Alex. She would say I looked fat or tell me off for eating — even vegetables! Alex stood up for me initially, but this didn’t stop Jenny! She began wearing really skimpy, sexy outfits all the time. One night I went home early from work and noticed Alex’s car already parked outside. It was strange, because he didn’t like Jenny enough to be there without me. I opened the front door to find them kissing passionately on the couch, half of their clothes strewn on the floor. Alex fled almost immediately, but Jenny didn’t even seem to care, she wanted me to see it.

We fought about who was going to leave the flat. Jenny wouldn’t and I couldn’t afford to lose the bond so I was stuck there. But Jenny was going to pay and I knew just how to get her!

At first, I just did it to see if she would notice; I would switch the no-fat cheese and light mayonnaise she bought to the high-fat variety. When I realized how easy it was, it became an addictive game: how far could I go before she noticed?

I stirred butter into her sauces as they cooked; I basted her meat with lard and added fat to her casseroles. I waited to get caught, but she never seemed to notice — I think she liked the improved taste so much she was happy to believe that nothing was out of the ordinary!

It wasn’t long before she started to thicken up around the waist. Pretty soon, she couldn’t even wear any of her own clothes. The funny thing was she couldn’t even diet; when she tried, I just replaced the food!

I almost felt guilty for what I was doing, but Jenny never let me forget that she had stolen Alex because she was thin and I was fat, so my shame never lasted long.

I ran into Jenny a few months ago and I didn’t even recognise her at first, she was so big. She looked really unhealthy. I realised what I’d done was wrong. We chatted and she even invited me around for a coffee, but I didn’t go. I couldn’t look at her without remembering that I was the reason she was fat.

Picture posed by models.

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