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I hid the truth from my best friend

My best friend Sara and I had been friends for years. We went to high school and university together and shared all our secrets with each other. My friend was always falling in and out of love with guys. So I thought nothing of it when she met Ed and said that she had fallen head over heels for him and almost immediately confessed her undying love for him. It wasn’t the first time she thought her boyfriend was the “one” so it didn’t surprise me. However, not long after they met, Sara started making big plans with Ed to move to Cairns for his work. They were to move in together — the whole kit and caboodle. This is when I realised she was serious and deeply involved with Ed.

Months later, all was going well for the two. They had planned the big move and had even booked a little pre-holiday getaway before they committed themselves to their new lives. All was packed and paid for. Sara couldn’t stop talking about her and Ed and how everything was going so well. They had opened a joint cheque account and would soon be off on their little holiday. Two days before their holiday Sara and I went for coffee and Ed phoned her. It was getting quite sickening to listen to the pair of them carry on like a lovesick couple in the puppy love stage … but I was happy for her. Sara was ecstatic and beaming.

The next day Sara phoned me in hysterics and tears. Ed had broken up with her and said that he was moving to Cairns on his own. I was as shocked as she was. Everything seemed to be fine the day before and now he was telling her that he wasn’t ready and that he needed to sort out his life before making big commitments. The non-refundable holiday was cancelled and my friend was to be homeless in two days since she had given up her rental property for the move. To make matters worse, she lost most of her savings that were in her joint account with Ed, which had dwindled dramatically over the last week they were together — moving fees, she was told. I tried to console Sara the best way I could but it was utterly hopeless. She was broken and steeped in severe depression.

Three weeks later, while I was at work, a colleague came in with some great news — she and her long-term boyfriend that had been on a break for the last eight months, due to his constant travel for work, had gotten back together. Naturally, we were all happy for her. But there was more. They had decided that they no longer wanted to be apart — they decided to get engaged and there on her wedding finger was an enormous rock of a ring. Everyone cooed and awed at the news and the sparkler of a ring blinding us all. But still there was more. Steph had also decided to take an even bigger step and agreed to move to Cairns with him. Instantly, my ears pricked up. I asked her what her partner’s name was, to which she replied, “Ed”!

I couldn’t believe my ears. All this time Ed had been going behind Sara’s back, making alternative plans with his ex Steph to move with her, marry her and start a new life with her. Meanwhile, he had been repeating the same lovey-dovey words to my best friend but never, ever had any intention of going through with any of it. To make matters worse, all the money Sara had lost in this charade of a relationship went on Steph’s stunning ring. I must have turned pale white because everyone started asking me if I was okay. I laughed it off and told them I must have been getting a cold. I went to sit down and started mulling over what I had just heard.

To this day I haven’t told Sara. She would never forgive me if she found out I knew. She kept in contact with Ed in hopes of rekindling their lost love. Every time she spoke of him I felt sick in the stomach. I don’t know why he lead her astray so badly. Maybe for the money … or maybe he was truly confused. Either way, I didn’t think the truth would help heal or better the situation. I suppose I was selfish for not sharing what I knew and making the decision to hide the truth, but it was what I thought was best for my friend at the time. She was just starting to heal and for me to tell her of the wicked betrayal of her love — I was afraid I would lose the spirit in my friend again. Good friends may share everything, but I believe sometimes concealing a secret may be the best thing a best friend can do. I believe that, anyway!

Picture posed by models.

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