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I fell in love with my gay boss

I was madly in love with my boss, Alan, and had become obsessed with him. I attended every work function that enabled me to spend more time with him and I volunteered for all those extra jobs that would make him think of me in even more favourable terms. We got on extremely well, had loads in common, similar senses of humour and had enjoyed some great times together. Secretly, I prayed that he would leave his wife of 15 years for me.

Finally, after three years of hoping, my dreams were answered and my boss left his wife. I was over the moon and my days were filled with dreams of us getting together. At work I focused on always being at Alan’s side to offer extra support to relieve his workload, and was at the ready with cups of coffee for him when he was looking tired. He seemed to be relying on me and we were definitely getting closer.

Several weeks after the break-up, Alan asked me to join him for dinner at a quiet, romantic restaurant in the city. I was so excited and could barely cope with the anticipation of it all. I knew this was it and that we would be together by the end of the evening.

The night arrived and I spent hours getting ready, including a trip to the beauty salon to get my hair and nails done. I had even splashed out and bought myself a new and rather expensive dress. Alan picked me up and I knew then it was all worth it. On arriving at the restaurant I was pleased to see we were tucked away in a quiet corner — how romantic! We would be able to declare our love for each other without having other people listening in.

The evening progressed wonderfully with Alan really opening up to me and telling me about his wife and the difficulties he had faced in leaving her. I listened and encouraged him, my excitement building by the minute.

Eventually, I couldn’t contain myself any further and I decided that it was now my turn to open up to him and start sharing some of my innermost feelings. So I took his hand and told him of the feelings I had held for him for such a long time; how I knew that I loved him, had waited so long for him and would be there for him forever. Alan looked a little uncomfortable so I hastened to assure him that I was willing to wait for him until he was ready for another relationship. He squeezed my hand, thanked me for being so open, and then proceeded to tell me that after 15 years of married life he had finally realised that he was gay, so he’d left his wife to pursue this new lifestyle.

I handed in my resignation the next day and have not seen Alan since.

Picture posed by model.

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