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I exposed my boss’s sexual harassment

When I was 15 years old I worked in a butcher’s shop after school and on weekends.

There were a few butchers working there and they were nice to the girls who were the shop staff, but then a new butcher started working there. He seemed nice at first, but one day during a shift, he brushed past me and as he did, he pushed his groin into my backside!

This occurred in a part of the shop where the counter was, which was a narrow part of the shop front. No one else saw this at the time and I was absolutely shocked! This man who was three times my age was taking advantage of me being naive and young, thinking that I wouldn’t say anything.

Initially, I thought it to be some kind of mistake, so I kept working there, and then another incident occurred that made me change my mind.

On another shift, I was in the narrow part of the shop again when I looked up and saw him watching me, and when I kept working in the same spot he came over and brushed past me, this time along my front, and rubbed himself along me as he went past! I was disgusted to say the least.

This time I decided to do something about it and I spoke to another girl who was working with me who was in her twenties and asked whether she had noticed what had happened. She admitted that she also had been targeted by this disgusting man and said not to say anything as we would probably be fired.

He also got along well with the other butchers so I didn’t think they would believe me, so I didn’t say anything.

I decided I didn’t want to work in this sort of environment, but I wanted to give this disgusting person a taste of their own medicine first.

I worked out a plan, which depended on customers being in the shop, and I was ready for the next episode. As it turned out it happened during Saturday at lunchtime when we were quite busy.

He brushed up against me, quite hard this time, and actually smiled — a smirky kind of smile — and that’s when I turned to the line and said in a really loud voice, “Keep your hands off me Gary. I don’t like you rubbing yourself against me and touching me in that way!” And I looked him straight in the eyes.

He just stood there with a red face and the whole shop just went quiet and stared at him and I remember some people even shaking their heads in disgust.

I left that day with my pay, that I demanded, and an intense feeling of empowerment!

Picture posed by models.

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