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I caught my boyfriend’s mistress with an STD test

My boyfriend Donny and I had been together for almost two years and although we didn’t live together we were inseparable. Every Friday night we would head to the local pub together and because we lived in a small town we knew most people there.

One night, I returned from the bathroom to find him chatting to a flirty brunette who I’d never met before. He introduced me to Julie and quickly explained that they went to primary school together and hadn’t seen each other in years.

I soon forgot about her until one day a friend told me that she had seen Donny and a mysterious brunette eating lunch at a local cafe. I decided to confront Donny about. Donny laughed it off and said that he was having lunch with his sister and that I was being paranoid.

But my suspicions didn’t leave me, and they weren’t helped by the fact that we began to stay together less and less. And when we did, upon his insistence, we only stayed at my place.

When I received a phone bill of his a few days letter, I couldn’t help myself — I had to open it. Donny had made several late-night calls to a mystery number, which I soon confirmed was Julie’s. It seemed that they were making a lot of contact for two old primary school friends who hadn’t seen each other in 10 years.

I was convinced that Donny was cheating on me but he wouldn’t budge, not matter how much I probed him, so I decided to call Julie.

I cleared my throat, dialled her number and put on my most official-sounding voice.

“Hello Julie, this is Heather from the local healthcare clinic. I have something very private I need to discuss with you”.

“OK,” she replied slowly.

“It’s concerning your friend Donny. He is very embarrassed at the moment and has asked me to contact you on his behalf regarding the results of his STD test. Donny put your details on a list of people he has had intercourse with in the last six months. Is this correct?”

I could hear Julie gasp before blurting out, “Yes, but what’s wrong with him? Oh my God … Am I going to be all right?!”

I could hardly contain my anger and slight amusement at her freaking out, so I swiftly ended the conversation. “Well you better get yourself checked out then. Bye!”

I was so hurt by what Donny did but I figured that there was little point in bringing it up with him, if he hadn’t been truthful to me all this time, why would he start now? I broke up with him two days later saying that we had grown apart and, between that and all of the STD rumours about him flying around, that it made sense to just put it behind me.

Besides, I had a few old friends that I wanted to look up myself.

Picture: Getty Images. Posed by model.

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