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I can’t have babies of my own so I make them

After years of trying to have a child, Eve Newsom decided to make a baby herself — piece by piece.

Like every woman, Eve Newsom is proud when strangers say how beautiful her baby is. For her, it happens all the time.

“The other day I was out shopping with my baby in a pram and a girl walked up to me and asked how old my daughter was.

“That’s when I looked at her and said, ‘She’s not real. She’s fake’.”

The fact is, Eve spends most of her time making babies — in the oven!

As a little girl, Eve dreamt of becoming a mum. One of seven children herself, she never imagined it would be a problem.

Within one month of marrying her first husband, Eve, then 20, was overjoyed to find out she was pregnant. But three months later she suffered a miscarriage.

“I was heartbroken, but friends told me not to dwell on it, that it would happen when the time was right.”

Devastating news

Months passed and the strain of trying to get pregnant again caused Eve’s marriage to break down. The couple soon split.

Five years later her hopes of being a mum were renewed when she married again, but three miscarriages followed, leaving her devastated.

“I couldn’t understand why it kept happening,” says Eve.

For the full story, see this week’s Woman’s Day (on sale June 2).

Your say:

Would you buy one of Eve’s lifelike baby dolls in place of a real one? Have your say below…

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