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I bought my boyfriend on eBay

Matt and Charmaine

Charmaine Scott, 22, was surfing for shoes on the net, but bagged a man instead.

Charmaine’s story

“Flicking on my computer, I searched for my favourites. I was having a bit of a quiet day, so I thought I’d do some shopping on the web. I was desperate for a new pair of trainers. A few minutes later I’d found what I wanted on eBay and put in a bid. I was just about to switch off the computer when I spotted the words, ‘Boyfriend for sale.’ It really made me giggle so, just for a laugh, I decided to click on the link.

“When a picture of ‘Cheeky Matt’ flashed up I wasn’t disappointed. He had short, spiky brown hair and a real twinkle in his eye. And he lived in the same town as me. I couldn’t believe it. The ad said he was a great catch and would make any girl happy. It made me laugh so much my stomach hurt. Matt was a local radio DJ and was auctioning himself on eBay to raise money for the tsunami appeal. The price was only £11 and bidding was almost over, so I thought, ‘What the hell,’ and bid an extra 50p. There were only a few minutes left to go so I thought I’d have a quick rummage through my wardrobe while I was waiting to see if I’d won. Pulling on a new top, I heard my inbox beep. I rushed over to open the new e-mail — and the message said I’d won a bloke!

“I got straight on the phone to my best mate Emma. ‘You’ve got to be joking Char,’ she laughed. ‘When you go and meet him we’re coming with you too.’

“When I told Mum she thought I’d gone mad. I put her mind at rest when I told her that not only was it for charity, but five of my mates had already told me that they were coming to meet him as well.

“The next day, Matt e-mailed me to congratulate me on my win and to ask if I wanted to meet him that night. He said he was DJing in a local bar and asked if I’d like to join him for a drink. At first I wasn’t nervous about meeting him. I thought at least me and my mates could have a good night out. But as soon as I got there I started to panic. I sat there for ages watching him dancing and chatting to people. He was gorgeous — even better in person than in his photo. Eventually I plucked up the courage to go and talk to him. Just before I reached the DJ box, he gave me a massive smile and said, ‘You must be Charmaine.’ I was scared he’d ignore me but he couldn’t have made me feel more special.

“We got on brilliantly that night. In fact, we got on so well we arranged to have dinner on Saturday. He came to pick me up and had a cup of tea with Mum while I got ready. We talked and talked all night and straightaway we both realised we were right for each other.

“It’s absolutely amazing! We’re completely in love and have been together for five months. I’m so glad I decided to bid for him that night, especially now I realise what a bargain I got. The ideal man for just £11.50!”

Matt’s story

“My mate James put me up for auction as a laugh — he thought it was time I found a girlfriend. Everyone was watching the bidding to see who would actually win, then at the last minute Charmaine put in the winner.

“I invited her to the bar I DJ at and the rest is history. I was standing in the DJ box and as soon as I saw her I thought, ‘I hope you’re Charmaine.’ She looked great.

“Char is the kindest, most loving, caring girl I’ve ever met. She loves me for me and not because I’m on the radio. I think it’s fate that she was on the internet that day. I hope that we’ll be together for the rest of our lives.”

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