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How do I win my wife back?

Image source: Getty - posed by model

Image source: Getty - posed by model

I’m 37 and I was bored and fed up 18 months ago for lots of reasons. My wife hardly ever wanted to make love and was always saying she was tired so I started going to the pub whenever I could and I met my girlfriend there.

We had brilliant sex and a lot of fun so I left my wife. I felt guilty about leaving my children but I have a good job so I made sure my wife had enough money and I saw the kids every week.

Loads of our friends were furious with me so I just stuck with my girlfriend’s crowd.

It was our son’s birthday last week and my wife invited me round for his party. Most of our friends were there with their kids and they were all having a drink later and staying on but my wife made it clear I wasn’t welcome.

My wife looked amazing – she’d lost loads of weight and I also found out she has a new job so she was all dressed-up and looking beautiful.

She hardly spoke to me during my son’s party and when she did she was really distracted and disinterested which upset me, because originally when I left she said she was broken hearted. Anyway she more or less showed me the door when the party was over and I went back to the flat and had a dull day with my girlfriend.

It made me realise what I have thrown away. I am broken-hearted. I know I have been a complete fool. I still love my wife. She was a wonderful wife, and I didn’t see it. I texted her but all I got was a very short reply saying she wasn’t interested.

You were bored and fed up when she was tired and not interested in sex and your solution was leaving with someone else, rather than trying to deal with it as a team.

You have undoubtedly upset your children and your wife but do you genuinely regret your behaviour, rather than just suffering green eyes?

Your wife looks great and has moved on, apparently with all your friends, so it’s rather unreasonable of you to be upset that she’s no longer broken hearted.

You cannot live with your girlfriend while making approaches to your wife, so the honest thing to do would be to finish that relationship before trying to reconcile with your wife.

It’s hard to admit to making a mistake but even harder when your choices make you look very shallow so be prepared for a lot of work with no guarantee of success at the end of it.

Picture posed by model.

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