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Help Patricia’s family bring her home

In 2012, Victorian gran Patricia Ann Gay disappeared without a trace. Two years on, and her family are still looking for answers -- her daughter Brooke penned this emotional plea.

In 2012, Victorian gran Patricia Ann Gay disappeared without a trace. Two years on, and her family are still looking for answers — her daughter Brooke penned this emotional plea.

The heart break of losing a loved one impacts 35,000 Australian families. To mark National Missing Person’s week, Woman’s Day spoke to some of those affected.

In 2012, Victorian gran Patricia Ann Gay disappeared without a trace. Two years on, and her family are still looking for answers — her daughter Brooke penned this emotional plea.

Name: Patricia Ann Gay, 57

Family: Mum of five; grandmother to 13

Last seen: 11 March 2012. Reading a book in the living room of the home she shared with her daughter, Samantha in Marmsbury, VIC.

Hi Mum,

We’ve all been worried sick about you here.

Ever since you disappeared I’ve had this churning feeling in my stomach ­– wondering where you are, what you’re doing, if you’re safe.

My kids keep asking about you too. Jai’s 13 now and Paige is 12. They miss their gran. Whenever it’s raining, they say: “Do you think Nan’s warm? Do you think she’s safe?”

I know I’ve got to be strong for them, and I am. I try and make life normal for my kids and not let it affect our everyday life. But it’s when I’m alone that I breakdown. My mind goes into overdrive and I think of all the possibilities.

It’s constant torture. It’s too sad for me to think you might have chosen to leave us. And I think, ‘there’s no way she’d do this to us.’ But then there’s the other option that something bad happened to you and you’re not safe, and I don’t want to think about that possibility either.

We want you here, Mum. All your kids and grandkids need you, but Chloe really needs you. You know she got diagnosed with a brain tumor four years ago? Well, it’s come back; we’ve just found out she needs more chemo and maybe more surgery.

There’s things happening in our lives that we need you here for. Everyone needs a mum.

And you’ve got four more grandkids now you haven’t even met yet – two sets of twins! Just after you disappeared, Brett had two little girls – Willow and Harlow – and Dylan had a boy and a girl – Joel and Bryah-Rose.

Come home, Mum. Please. We love you; we just want you in our lives again.


Patricia’s daughter

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