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He thought she was me

I am one of identical twins. My sister and I were so alike when we were younger that we did the usual twin things like pretending to be each other in class, with friends and even with boyfriends.

It was this ability to fool people into thinking we were the other when we needed to that gave me the idea that has become my secret to this day.

I say my secret because Joanne, my twin, died 17 years ago on what was our 38th birthday. Part of me died on that day and I still refuse to celebrate my birthday and usually take to my bed the night before and don’t surface again until the day after.

Although we were physically almost mirror images of each other, Joanne was the more introverted of us. I started dating just after our 13th birthday and, although it pains me to admit, I wasn’t as choosy as I should have been. In fact, I was just plain promiscuous.

Then, when I was 19 and on holiday, I met Robert. I fell for him like a ton of bricks, as he did for me. Robert didn’t even try to kiss me goodnight; he was such a gentleman, he didn’t touch me for the whole two weeks we were together. I showed the first lick of sense I’d exhibited since I was 13 and behaved as demurely as possible; I just knew my usual dating behaviour would have appalled him.

As we said goodbye at the end of my holiday, Robert asked for my address; he was to visit my city in a couple of weeks.

When we saw each other again it was absolute heaven. Robert became a little carried away at the end of the night and castigated himself for being so un-gentlemanly towards me. The next night he proposed. He said he couldn’t wait for long, and could we marry as soon as possible? In record time we arranged our wedding and reception and booked the hotel for our honeymoon night.

This night, of course, I was dreading. Robert might be a gentleman, but he was not stupid, he would soon figure out I was not a virgin. What was I to do? This man was the love of my life, so I deceived him for the only time in our married life.

I asked Joanne to do the biggest favour for me she had ever done; sleep with Robert on our wedding night. She didn’t want to do it. She was saving herself for her own wedding night. But, after 19 years of doing anything for each other, she couldn’t hold out for long, especially as she knew how much it meant to me.

I suppose what I was asking of her was the next worse thing to dying for me, and she would have done that without blinking. So, my precious sister gave up her virginity for me.

Picture posed by model.

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