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EXCLUSIVE: “I feel stronger and fitter than I ever have!”: Meet Edna, the 100-year-old gym junkie

Edna isn't slowing down anytime soon
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Age is just a number is a saying some might shrug off, but for healthy and fit great-grandmother Edna Sheppard, nothing could be more true.

At 100 years old, Edna can squat, do full push-ups, plank, kick and crunch and is always up front among classes full of fitness fanatics almost 70 years her junior.

“I feel stronger and fitter than I ever have!” Edna tells Woman’s Day from her gym at Broadmeadows Aquatic and Leisure Centre in Melbourne’s north.

She has just finished a rigorous freestyle class – one of five group sessions she attends throughout the week.

“I feel stronger and fitter than I ever have!”

(Image: Phillip Castleton/aremedia.com.au)

From weights and step to martial arts and aqua, Edna can do it all.

“I just love it and I want to keep going as long as I can,” she smiles. “It’s part of my life now – my husband has passed and now I’m on my own. The gym is my second family and I’d be lost without them.”

South Melbourne-born Edna has always called Victoria home, raising two “very energetic and active” sons there with her husband Max. She worked at the local tailoring factory while Max was away at work with the navy.

When the pair retired in 1981, they signed up to their local gym, where Edna is still a member 40 years later.

“I told him not to stay sitting on the couch and to come and do aqua aerobics with me,” Edna reflects fondly. “Max loved swimming and he started to do the circuit classes, too.”

She attended the gym regularly with her late husband Max.

(Image: Supplied)

Exercise has always been an important part of life for Edna, who taught ballroom dancing and calisthenics until her 60s. Despite going to the gym three days a week, Edna also keeps active in other ways, and regularly walks to and from her local supermarket.

“I’ve had no ailments and I think it’s due to exercising all my life. Jan also keeps me going,” Edna shares.

Longtime friend Jan Ellis has been teaching Edna’s weekly workouts for the past 36 years.

“Edna’s got an aura around her – no matter where she goes, everyone is attracted to her! She stirs up all the boys in the gym and gets lots of hugs,” Jan, 68, laughs.

The duo begin telling tales about Edna and her gym buddies, who call themselves Jan’s Tarts.

“We’re all jealous because we want to get to 100 and be like her,” says Jan.

“She’s my inspiration to keep going and teach till I’m 100 and I know she inspires our members to do whatever they set their minds to.”

With friend and long-time gym instructor Jan.

(Image: Phillip Castleton/aremedia.com.au)

During Melbourne’s long COVID-19 lockdowns, Edna was committed to reaching her fitness goals, completing her home workouts designed by Jan.

“That was very hard! I couldn’t come to the gym, so I had a room in the house where I used to exercise every day,” says Edna.

Life has now slowed a little bit for Edna, who always makes time to catch up with her friends for a coffee post-gym class.

With cake? She shakes her head in faux shock.

“No cake! Just a coffee and a good chinwag with the girls,” says Edna.

But there will no doubt be a birthday cake for her upcoming 101st birthday, which she will celebrate in January with her fitness family.

As for her next personal best? “My goal is to keep coming to the gym,” she says. “That’s how I enjoy my life.”

‘I feel stronger and fitter than I ever have!’

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