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People have extremely mixed feelings about this father yanking his son’s tooth out… using his car

The little boy had his tooth tied to a piece of string that was attached to a car.
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You might want to sit down before watching the video above, which is being criticised by some.

A little boy has his tooth yanked out by his father, using a piece of string attached to his Audi A5.

The video caused quite a stir after it appeared on the website Live Leak this week.

The boy’s mother is filming the extraction as the man rolls down the window and starts the countdown.

His dad then starts driving the car, and the boy can be heard letting out a scream.

After he’s had the tooth yanked out, he shouts ‘my toothy’ as he runs around the street looking for it.

Lots of people on the website applauded the man for the stunt and thought it was funny but others disagreed with the unconventional method:

“Why do people always do stuff like this..?” one comment read. “If you simply keep wiggling til it come out happens without even an[sic] blood. I see no logic in it.”

Another said: “If you need a car to pull it out…. it might not be ready to come out.”

“I was really expecting the kids head to come flying off,” one shocked user wrote.

It’s definitely a more extreme and dangerous way to remove a tooth than the old door handle trick.

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