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Dumping my girlfriend got her fired

I met June at a time when I was a young man who was trying to “sow his wild oats” as much as possible — which is to say, I didn’t think I wanted to settle down any time soon.

June worked in administration at a foreign embassy. While she was a shy sort of woman, I soon found she had a wicked sense of fun.

She and I went on a few dates, going to dinner and movies, and we shared a few passionate kisses, and passionate sex — including once in a busy shopping centre parking lot!

Around the same time, I met Lauren. Lauren made me feel like no women ever had before; she was funny, smart and, in a word, mesmerising. I soon found myself, against all my previous protestations, falling in love with her.

It became clear to me the only fair thing to do was tell June of my feelings for Lauren, and end our relationship.

When I first broke the news to June, she was very calm and even joked about it. Everything seemed fine. But the next, day she sent me several angry text messages saying I had been selfish and dishonest towards her.

For the next two weeks, I agonised over my behaviour. So I resolved to send June a note expressing my regret and to apologise. During our couple of months together June and I had never gone to her place, so I didn’t know her home address. All I knew was where she worked: the foreign embassy.

I bought a card with some flowers on the front and wrote a short message:

**Dear June,

I’m sorry for the pain I’ve caused you, but wish you the very best for the future. You are a great person.

— Rob**

Three days later, June rang me sobbing. All she could say was, “Why did you send that card?”

I didn’t think my words were quite that moving, so I was a little bit baffled.

But then she continued: “My boss opened the card and read it. He said the embassy wasn’t my personal letter box and that I could pack up my things and leave.” Embassies are largely a law unto themselves, so there was nothing she could do. My card, meant to be a peace offering, had instead got June fired!

I listened in shock as she told me never to speak to her again and hung up. I recently found out she’s now working in real estate.

Lauren and I are still going strong — though I never told her about my fatal letter.

Names in this story have been changed. Picture: Getty Images.

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