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Double act: Identical twins dress the same every day!

These twin sisters don’t only share identical looks, they share identical clothes.

These twin sisters don’t only share identical looks, they share identical clothes.

These twin sisters don’t only share identical looks, they share identical clothes.

Fashionable 60-year-olds Kathy Heffernan and Rosey Coles dress the same for work, while shopping, on holiday, during nights out – and even in bed!

The duo has done so for the past 14 years and now say they wouldn’t have it any other way.

“We’ll do it forever – as long as we can,” Rosey said. “We just enjoy it.”

While the pair had dressed in similar styles in the past, they stopped when they both got married and moved away from each other.

But their identical style lives resumed when they both got divorced.

“We both became single and we started to spend a lot more time together.” Rosey said. “We had always been close but we gelled again. It made us feel very close again.”

The pair not only decided to dress the same, but moved in next door to one another started working together in their joint cleaning business.

The duo say they love the attention their double act receives and are often approached for photos by people on the street.

“It makes me feel like a celebrity a bit. I think I know how they feel a little bit now.”

Kathy added: “To be honest it doesn’t seem like anything different or unusual to us.”

Every day the pair discuss what to wear before they leave the house and insist they never argue about their outfit because they have the same style.

“We’ve always been close even when we weren’t together. I suppose it is just a twin thing,” Rosey says.

Identical 60-year-old twins Kathy Heffernan and Rosey Coles wear the same outfit everyday.

“People always say it is unusual to see twins that are our age dressing the same,” Rosey says.

The sisters, who both have children of their own, spend around $270 per month on their matching wardrobes.

“When we are on our own, people don’t take notice. But when there are two of us, it is like a magnet,” Rose says.

The sisters say they love shopping and dancing together and plan trips in tandem, packing identical suitcases to make sure they are “matching at all times”.

The pairs’ love for double fashion started when they began selecting the same outfits to wear at age 13.

Rosey and Kathey had matching styles when they were younger.

While the pair didn’t always dress the same as youngsters, now, they dont leave the house unless they are matching.

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