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Cuteness overload: Basketball player Stephen Curry brought his daughter along for a post-game press conference

She’s not even three years-old yet, but Riley Curry has already turned a lot of heads in the basketball community when she made a very adorable appearance with her superstar dad Stephen at a press conference.
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Stephen Curry’s 2 year-old daughter stole the spotlight during a post-game presser on Tuesday as he told the crowd that it was last minute decision to bring her on stage.

“I didn’t know how she was going to act because that’s the first time I’ve ever brought her up there,” he later explained to reporters.

The gorgeous toddler acted how most toddlers would, she interrupted her dad a few times when he was trying to answer questions from sports journalists and as took the opportunity explore under the table and around the room.

At one point she told her athlete father, who makes around $11 million per year, to “be quite” as he responded to questions.

“Once she started laughing after the first question when she heard my voice in the microphone, I knew it was going to be downhill from there,” the concerned dad said.

Despite how completely adorable little Riley is, not everyone found her appearance as cute as we did.

Some of the reporters in the room took to twitter to release some of the frustration they felt.

“Steph Curry’s kid is cute. That doesn’t mean she should have been at presser. There are professionals on deadlines there with jobs to do, too,” one journo wrote.

Others discussed the idea of banning children from the podium for next time.

However the animated two-year-old didn’t seem to pay any attention to the haters, as she stood firmly in the spotlight knocking her dad aside despite his very impressive game.

The ever-blasé Riley made it clear that she didn’t care much for all the fuss when her dad asked her if she had enjoyed her time in front of the cameras, to which she replied simply but assertively, “no.”

Perhaps the anxious reporters could have taken a leaf out of Riley’s book and chilled out a little.

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