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Couple who lost their three children on MH17 welcome daughter

In a heartbreakingly beautiful turn of events, Perth couple Anthony Maslin and Marite Norris have welcomed a daughter Violet.
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It’s been nearly two years since the world was left in shock following the MH17 disaster, which saw Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 shot by a missile and crash in Ukraine killing all 283 crew and passengers on board.

Perth couple Anthony and Marite suffered the unimaginable loss of their three children Mo, Evie and Otis as well as their grandfather Nick.

Today, the couple have revealed they recently welcomed their fourth child into the world.

Their precious three kids.

Introducing baby Violet (image/DFAT)

In a statement released to the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, they said: “Violet May Maslin came in to the world on Tuesday 10 May, bringing with her love and light, hope and joy.”

“Our family was torn apart when MH17 was blown out of the sky by the violent anger of a nationalist missile, on July 17, 2014. Our three innocent, beautiful and inspiring children were killed, alongside their grandfather, Nick Norris.”

“We believe that Mo, whose 14th birthday was Saturday, Evie, 12 next week, Otis, 10 next month, and Grandad Nick have sent us an amazing gift. Violet’s birth is a testament to our belief that love is stronger than hate.”

Anthony and Marite with their three angels before the tragedy unfolded.

“We still live with pain, but Violet, and the knowledge that all four kids are with us always, brings light to our darkness. As Martin Luther King said, ‘Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.'”

“We will continue to love all four of our children equally. Violet brings some hope and joy for us. We hope she brings hope and joy for you too.”

“Finally, we would like to thank the media for respecting our privacy. Anthony Maslin & Marite Norris.”

A warm congratulations to the brave parents.

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