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Couple who lost septuplets are about to welcome a baby

A year and a half ago, Lindsey and Steve Justice suffered the tremendous heartbreak of losing their septuplets. Now they’re thrilled to announce that they’re pregnant once again!
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In 2014, the American couple were overjoyed to find they were pregnant with seven babies – something they didn’t think was possible.

Steve and Lindsey, who’ve been married for seven years and are parents to five-year-old Hannah and three-year-old Hope, were looking to expand their family. But a few years ago the mum-of-two learned she has polycystic ovary syndrome, which can make it difficult to conceive.

“Every month seemed like 10 years. Any woman who goes through infertility knows that,” she said during an interview with USA Today.

“It’s just emotionally draining; it’s hard, and for me to see her going through it … it’s hard for me to watch her go through it,” her husband added.

The pair, who live in Charlotte, North Carolina, turned to fertility medication and even thought of adopting.

Two years ago, for Steve’s 30th, Lindsey presented her husband a gift he’ll cherish forever – her positive pregnancy test.

But their joy soon turned to concern after they discovered they were expecting seven baby girls. Doctors advised the couple to terminate several of the babies to help increase the survival of the others, but the couple were adamant to let every child try and develop and reach full-term.

Sadly 12 weeks into the pregnancy, they lost their first child. Two months later, they lost their other six daughters. Her little ones survived for only two hours.

Alive for only two hours, Lindsey treasured the only moment she got to dress them. She kept each child’s baby blanket as a memento of their short life.

“What I would give to nurse them, to hold them, to rock them to sleep, to dress them. I want to be their mom, I want them to be here, you know. But that wasn’t God’s will,” the brave mum admitted to People.

Despite such an unspeakable tragedy, the college sweethearts still believed in the possibility of expanding their family.

“We still want more kids. That could mean adoption, it could mean fertility drugs. We’re taking it one day at a time,” the 31-year-old told People.

And now, their dreams have finally come true.

Lindsey, who lost her seven daughters last year, has revealed to People magazine she is pregnant again.

The couple, both personal trainers, are expecting another baby and Lindsey is ready to pop any day now!

“I’m excited. I’m more excited for Steve and Hannah and Hope to meet the baby,” she told People.

“With what we went through last time we really are trying to cherish every moment with this pregnancy and the time with our girls,” Steve admitted.

Describing it as a “very exciting time” the Justice family couldn’t be happier with the mum-to-be overjoyed over her unborn miracle.

“I’m just thankful for every day and just pray that everything goes well. The fact that we’re here about to have this new baby, it’s just amazing.”

Soon they’ll be adding one more miracle baby to the mix! You can keep up to date with the Justice family on their blog: www.jacojustice.blogspot.com You’ll need the password: HisGlory.

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