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Couple surprised kids with adopted baby under Christmas tree

A couple surprised their three daughters by putting their adopted son under the Christmas tree... the video of their reaction is adorable!
baby under Christmas tree

When Courtney Stolstad asked her daughter’s what they wanted for Christmas, one of the girls said she wanted her parents to “have the baby they desire.”

When Courtney and her partner welcomed baby Nathan via adoption they announced it on Facebook but decided not to tell the girls, reports Buzzfeed.

She mentioned how excited the girls all were at the prospect of a new baby, and even said –

“Chloe’s Christmas wish came true.”

The Solstad’s decided to let baby Nathan announce himself by placing him under the Christmas tree to be discovered by his new siblings…

Then they filmed their reactions.

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“The girls knew nothing about Nathan until this,” she wrote. “We met them at the door and told them that we had been out Christmas shopping and got them a gift to share… and it was under the tree.”

The girls’ excitement and emotion was so heartfelt and touching that the video of their Christmas discovery began spreading through Facebook until the family made it private.

The three girls jumped with joy and burst into tears, with one even commenting that she thought she may wet her pants.

Solstad wrote that welcoming Nathan into their family has been “one of the most magical experiences in our lives.”

“We prayed big things and God answered in big ways,” she wrote. “Our little guy is so incredibly perfect.”

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