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Celebrities weigh in on The Dress colour debate!

blue black white gold colour dress

Celebrities along with the internet are going crazy over the photo of a dress debating the colour of the dress.

It was the photo of a dress innocently uploaded to social media site Tumblr that in a matter of hours has become a global phenomenon as viewers debate the colour of the dress.

Is it black and blue? Is it white and gold? Is it real?

No one is safe from this scandal AKA ‘Dress Gate’… not even Hollywood’s finest.

Now, celebrities are waying in on this great debate.

Celebrities were not immune to the intrigue.

Taylor Swift was firmly in the blue and black team.

“I don’t understand this odd dress debate and I feel like it’s a trick somehow.” She said on Twitter.

“I’m confused and scared.”


Julianne Moore was in the white and gold camp, which Mindy Kaling thought was “insane”.

What do you see?

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