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Burke Ramsey files $150 million defamation lawsuit against JonBenet investigator

The 29-year-old is hitting back at forensic pathologist, Werner Spitz, for pointing the finger at Burke for killing his six-year-old sister.
Burke Ramsey

Burke Ramsey has filed a $150 million USD defamation lawsuit against forensic pathologist Werner Spitz.

Court documents reveal that Ramsey is accusing the expert of “explicitly and falsely stat[ing] that Burke Ramsey killed his sister, JonBenet Ramsey”.

Werner Spitz allegedly pointed the finger at Burke, who deems is responsible for JonBenet’s death.

Spitz appeared in CBS’ The Case of: JonBenét Ramsey, but the lawsuit is actually aimed at the pathologist’s radio interview with CBS Detroit, where he alleged that Burke murdered JonBenet, saying:

“If you really, really use your free time to think about this case, you cannot come to a different conclusion. It’s the boy (Burke Ramsey) who did it (murdered JonBenet), whether he was jealous, or mentally unfit or something… I don’t know the why.

The TV show has brought up new theories about JonBenet’s death in 1996.

“I’m not a psychiatrist, but what I am sure about is what I know about him, that is what happened here. And the parents changed the scene to make it look like something it wasn’t.”

The court papers call Spitz, who has worked on a number of high profile cases including the assassination of JFK, a “publicity seeker” who “once again interjected himself into a high-profile case to make unsupported, false and sensational statements and accusations.”

Earlier this week, JonBenet’s father hit out at the Burke murder theory in a rare radio interview.

Meshel Laurie of KIIS 101.1’s Matt & Meshel told John Ramsey that she could see how one child could accidentally kill another, and she could empathise with a parent wanting to cover it up. In response, John said:

“Well that’s just nonsensical. The CBS show that came out, it was disgraceful. We will sue them.

“Let’s assume that Burke accidentally hit JonBenet, accidentally or intentionally, as this CBS show claims. What would you do as a parent? Would you say, ‘OK, let’s strangle her, let’s write a three-page ransom note and fake the whole thing?’

“No, you’d have said, ‘Let’s get her to the hospital immediately’. To think that a parent would do that doesn’t pass the common sense test. It’s nonsense, and I don’t know how to respond to that.”

WATCH: Experts reach a conclusion on JonBenet’s death

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