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Brisbane golfer: I got banned from golf for becoming a woman

By Julie Hayne

Pictures: Paul Broben

Born Don Asher, Dasher struck a bunker at her golf course after turning up dressed as a woman.

Teeing off for a game of golf at the prestigious Wynnum Golf Club in Brisbane was nothing new for dad of one Don Asher ? but when “Dasher” arrived on the course in a dress, all hell broke loose.

“I don’t think the club had ever struck a transgender player before,” says Dasher ? who was born Don Asher but is in the early stages of undergoing a sex change.

“I was playing off the men’s tees, so there was a bit of a kerfuffle when I turned up in women’s attire. I was told that if I wanted to play, I was to dress like a man and act like a man. I was also told the club would not accept that I was transgender unless I could produce a certificate showing I had had a sex change operation.”

Sitting on the verandah of that same club, Dasher opens up about her painful past and how having her gender ticked as “male” on her birth certificate almost 53 years ago was “like being sentenced to a life of solitary confinement”.

“From my earliest memories as a child, I could never believe that I had been born a boy. I’ve been religious all my life and there’s been hardly a day where I haven’t asked God why He delivered me in this package,” she says.

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