There’s a new happy snap breaking the internet and it’s not because the newlyweds spent days tampering with the filter and saturation to get their shot just right (ahem, Kimye we’re looking at you).
When Kevin Kennedy Ryan II and Jessie Ryan-Smith tied the knot on a sweltering summer’s day in Chicago last month, it all became a little too much for Kevin’s younger sister and bridesmaid Grace, who happened to faint at the exact same moment the pair shared their very first kiss as husband and wife.
And in an even more hilarious twist, wedding photographer Sean Cook captured the strange turn of events in one incredible photo which shows poor Grace face planting the floor and the blissful bride and groom going in for the kill while a concerned bridesmaid watches on from the corner.
Since Ryan posted the photo on imgur just two days ago under the cheeky headline “My sister passed out at the exact moment the judge said ‘you may kiss the bride’”, the image has been viewed over two million times and counting!

The infamous wedding shot by photographer Sean Cook which has since gone viral.
Ryan also admitted to AOL’s Newsy the photo was taken second before he realised what had happened and shortly after smooching his wife he heard a “a calamitous thud.”
“She was fine minutes later, just a little embarrassed. She just hadn’t consumed enough,” he added.
We’re glad to hear Grace made a full recovery and for now, she can relish in the fact she’s given a whole new meaning to the term wedding crasher.

The happy couple! Kevin Kennedy Ryan II and Jessie Ryan-Smith tied the knot on a sweltering summer’s day in Chicago last month.