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Boy grows hair for two years to donate to a family friend who has none

Despite being bullied for his beautiful long, shiny hair, Tyler Boone says he just wants his pal Gabby Ruiz “to be happy”.
Tyler Boone grew his hair for two years so he could give it to his friend, Gabby Ruiz, who has none.

To say we’re proud of this dedicated 10-year-old is an understatement.

Tyler Boone of Georgia in the U.S. has made the kind, two-year commitment of growing his hair past his shoulders just so he can give it to his friend, Gabby Ruiz, 12.

Gabby, a family friend of Tyler’s, was diagnosed with a hair-loss disorder known as alopecia areata when she was just four years old.

Despite exploring a myriad of different treatments for her condition, Gabby is still unable to grow hair, with this revelation serving as the catalyst for sweet Tyler’s selfless act.

When asked why he was doing this for Gabby, the youngster told U.S. news service KTLA5, “I just want to make her happy.”

Not only that, but Tyler says he’s gotten used to being bullied for his long hair – but that never deterred him from pursuing his goal to grow enough hair to gift Gabby a wig.

When the moment came to lop Tyler’s thick locks, it was Gabby who made the final chop.

Afterwards, a hair stylist trimmed back the remainder of Tyler’s tresses into a buzzcut, making the young boy almost unrecognisable.

Tyler’s ponytail will be donated to the non-profit charity Children with Hair Loss, who will make a wig from it especially for Gabby.

In our opinion, there’s only three words to describe him: generosity in spades.

Watch as Gabby chops Tyler’s ponytail off in the video below!

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