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Australia’s worst bushfires: What the officials say

Leaders and other officials from Australia and around the world offer words of support and condolence to those affected by Victoria’s bushfire disasters.

“This is a terrible and devastating tragedy. Hell and all its fury has visited the good people of Victoria… many good people now lie dead. Many others lie injured. This is a level of horror that few of us anticipated.”

“These communities will be rebuilt. These communities will rise again through the efforts of the local people and governments combined.”

“It’s mass murder.”

“All Victorians and all Australians should know that in this darkest hour they are not alone.”

“There’s a long road ahead.”

“We salute the extraordinary courage of all the emergency services workers. Police, Fire, Country Fire Authority, those who work in our hospitals, those in the SES.”

“The seventh of February 2009 will now be remembered as one of the darkest days in Australia’s peacetime history.”

“Victoria is a state that will never be the same.”

“It will be remembered as a day of tragedy, courage and sheer luck.”

“To each person who fought these fires, we say thank you. And most importantly, as a nation and as a community we need to extend our helping hand to rebuild these towns and lives in the weeks and years ahead.”

“The impacts on families are just devastating.”

“It’s been, I think, the worst day in our history.”

“This is a deeply sad and shocking tragedy.”

“This truly has been a tragedy that has brought out the most terrifying side of nature, but it has brought out the best in Australians.”

“I was shocked and saddened to learn of the terrible toll being exacted by the fires this weekend. I send my heartfelt condolences to the families of all those who have died and my deep sympathy to the many who have lost their homes in this disaster on so dreadful an occasion as this for Australia.”

“President Obama said that we should know in Australia that the prayers of himself, his wife Michelle, their family and of the American people are with the people of Victoria, people of Australia,” Kevin Rudd said.

“The President offered his prayers to the people of Australia and his condolences to the victims. He asked if the US could provide assistance to the government and people of Australia to assist with the fire” ? White House spokesman.

“Property isn’t worth it. It’s not worth losing your life to save your house.”

“This is by far the worst disaster I’ve been involved with.”

“We’ve cracked the $2million mark. It’s an unprecedented outpouring of goodwill never seen before in our living memories.”

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