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Aussie surrogacy stories: We broke the law…and spent $100,000!

Aussie surrogacy stories: We broke the law…and spent $100,000!

Commercial surrogacy is illegal for those living in Queensland. But that wasn’t going to stop hopeful parents Kylie and Cameron Young from getting the family they desperately wanted.

“I’m not bothered by the law,” says Kylie, 39, defiantly. “I’m not worried that we broke it.”

Kylie and husband Cameron, also 39, tried for 11 years before finally being blessed with adorable twins Stella and Luke via an egg donor and a Thai surrogate on June 7.

To say they’re thrilled is an understatement. “Surrogacy was our last resort,” admits Cameron. “We were on adoption waiting lists in China but that could have taken another three or four years.”

The couple began trying to fall pregnant as soon as they married and attempted eight IVF cycles before Kylie had a complete hysterectomy at just 32 years old because of severe endometriosis.

Read this full story, plus more amazing surrogacy stories in this week’s issue of Woman’s Day, on sale Monday, October 7, 2013.

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