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Aussie mum faces backlash after searching for baby’s father on Gumtree

Bianca Fazey

Aussie first-time mum Bianca Fazey has faced hateful comments from trolls after launching an online campaign on to find the father of her adorable son Logan.

Bianca, 25, was surprised to discover she was pregnant after a one-night stand in Perth in April last year as she had previously been diagnosed with polycystic ovary syndrome and told that it was unlikely should would ever be able to conceive.

Bianca then welcomed little Logan Fazey two months ago, but it wasn’t an easy start to life as  doctors battled for half an hour to resuscitate him. Now though the precious bub is happy, healthy and adorable.

Logan’s arrival only came though after tireless months spent searching for the father. The only details Bianca knew about him was that his name was Jeremy and he was from the Perth suburb of Morley.

Bianca says that she just wants a chance for her son to know his father: “I’m very curious who he is and one day Logan will be too,” she said on her Facebook page.

So she turned to classifieds site Gumtree for help. Placing an ad on the site with a picture of herself, titled “Looking for Jeremy from Morley”.

Bianca shared pics of the adorable newborn Logan. 

Bianca wrote that she never saved his number, “thinking I would never see him again and as it turns out…I have something that belongs to him.”

The only other details that she knew were that he was a fly-in, fly-out worker in his 20s and that they met at the “Harlem Wednesdays” night at Perth bar Amplifier Capitol.

“I was at my wits end,” Bianca told the Daily Mail.

“I tried finding him for months and felt pressured by a friend who was adamant I don’t give up despite exhausting all avenues.”

Since then though Bianca has been targeted in a hateful backlash from online commenters and trolls. Not taking it lying down, she posted an angry response to the haters on her Facebook page, pointing out that the father is every bit as responsible for the pregnancy as she is.

“I’m so appalled at comments that I am a bad mother and ‘god help my child’” Bianca wrote.

“I try not to let it get to me, strangers comments do not bother me. Even the people who knew me over 10 years ago as a teenager, trolling the articles about me commenting stupid things.”

The original ad that Bianca posted to Gumtree.

A pregnant Bianca shared pics of her growing baby bump.

Bianca also said that regardless of the critics, she will continue pursuing her search for the sake of her son. “Yeah I am still looking, I will probably always be looking I am very curious as to who this person is and one day Logan probably will be too.”

Bianca was also quick to silence critics who accused her of chasing her “15 minutes” of fame: “Logan, my family, our health and happiness is all that matters to me.”

As to whether she is hopeful that her search will prove fruitful? Bianca said: “I don’t ever expect him to come forward but if he did contact me, it would only be between us two and not the world.”

The most important thing though is that, father or no father, little Logan already has someone who very much has his best interests at heart.

“I love this beautiful boy with all my heart and I am a fantastic mother, he is strong, smart, happy and very, very loved!”

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