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Aussie couple’s baby joy: We’re having Quintuplets!

Aussie couple's baby joy: We’re having Quintuplets!

Melissa and Rosemary’s unborn quins, conceived without IVF, are a one-in-60 million miracle.

Nervously holding her breath, Melissa Keevers’ eyes widen as she fixes them on the sonographer’s screen. Slowly, the doctor runs his wand over her protruding belly and, without blinking, Melissa leans towards the blurry image.

“There’s a heartbeat,” the doctor says, before pausing. “And there is the second, and the third, and the fourth – and there’s the fifth!” As the reality sinks in, that all five of her unborn children are developing well, the 27-year-old bursts into tears. It’s just dawned on her that in a few short months she’ll become mum to five babies – quintuplets.

With the support of her loving partner, Rosemary Nolan, 21, herself a twin, the Brisbane couple used a sperm donor from America to conceive their much longed for baby. And just five weeks after insemination, the couple were told they were expecting quintuplets – a one-in-60 million chance.

“I was in shock for weeks,” recalls Melissa, who, along with Rosemary, is also mum to one-year-old Lilly. “It took me a long time to get my head around what was happening. But now I’ve come to terms with it, I’m excited.”

Conceiving quintuplets is a rare occurrence at any time, but what makes Melissa’s quins even more remarkable is that she had no treatment to increase her fertility, and there’s only ever been one set of twins in her family.

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