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‘Pinterest Stress’ is a reality for almost one in two mothers

We have a hard time enjoying our own experiences because we feel it’s not worthy of this invisible judge.

While the internet can spur creativity in even the most uninspired, it can also create a warped perception of society and – most destructively – the success in the lives of others.

And most recently, this perception is causing mothers a lot of grief.

It has a name, too: ‘Pinterest Stress’.

A recent survey conducted by TODAY USA reveals 42 per cent of the seven thousand US mums interviewed claim to sometimes suffer from Pinterest Stress, by comparing themselves to the glossy, seemingly-perfect posts on the site which are intended to ‘inspire’.

And 74 per cent of the mothers surveyed say the pressure they put on themselves is greater than any pressure placed upon them by other mothers.

Jenna Anderson is a 28-year-old mum of two in the U.S who is also the woman behind the site, Pinterest Fail and if the site name doesn’t give the game away the slogan says it all: “Where Good Intentions Come to Die.”

Multiple ‘Pinterest Fail’ photos are posted on Anderson’s site to show stressed Pinterest users they are not alone in attempting to recreate recipes and DIY projects unsuccessfully a lot of the time.

“Pinterest is largely a site of unrealized dreams,” Anderson told TODAY USA, claiming she is still Pinterest fan but understands it’s a false representation of reality.

“We have a hard time enjoying our own experiences because we feel it’s not worthy of this invisible judge,” Andersen said.

“It’s so easy to get depressed. You start to feel like your entire life has to be like a magazine all the time.”

So check out Pinterest Fail for some inspiration and consolation that you aren’t the sole perpetrator in self-sabotaging your five-year-old’s birthday cake.

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