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A ranking of carnival “food on a stick”

Fairy floss, corn on a cob, chips on a stick - which one takes out top place?

A genius somewhere came up with the concept of Stick Food and for that, I would like to applaud them.

When you’re at a carnival, you don’t want to have to sit down to eat – you’re on the run, checking out show bags or running inside haunted houses.

You need convenience and thus, Stick Foods were invented.

Never one to shy away from a challenge, I took myself and my friend to the Royal Sydney Easter Show to eat as many Food on Sticks as possible. 

I must say – it was more difficult than anticipated. After 4 sticks, we were struggling. But, we weren’t going to give up that quickly. 

We made it through 8 different varieties and lo and behold; here is our definitive ranking of Stick Foods: 

#8: Cheese on a stick 

This is an easy last place for me. I love nothing more than cheese so the concept of HOT CHEESE ON A STICK was just all too much. However, it basically tasted like a cheese jaffle but on a stick and, a really bad version. The batter was too thick and the cheese all ran to the bottom of the stick. Not ideal.

Cheese on a stick

#7 Hot dog on a stick (aka Dagwood dog)

In terms of convenience, the hot dog on a stick gets top points. However, it was pretty foul and I only made it half-way through. Plus, it looks quite gross. Other varieties of stick food we ate were simply beautiful (we’ll get to that later!) so points were deducted.

Hot dog on a stick

#6: Choc-dipped strawberries on a stick

We made the rookie error of eating the first choc-dipped strawberry we came across which was already pre-dipped. I’m not going to lie, the sprinkles lured me in. The chocolate tasted cheap and the strawberries didn’t seem too fresh. So this ranking is slightly off because we later came across all the fresh-dipped strawberries which I have no doubt would have been delicious. But by this point, we were at bursting point and couldn’t bring ourselves to try another one.

Choc-dipped strawberries on a stick

#5: Corn on a cob

How can you ever go wrong with a corn on the cob? Buttery, corny goodness is a win-win. I would have liked to have pushed it up higher up the list, however, the competition was quite fierce.

Corn on a cob

#4: Mini dutch pancakes

Yes, it’s a toothpick but technically it’s still a stick (and we really wanted to try them!) Advice: we opted for chocolate sauce but it didn’t taste that great so choose maple syrup instead.

Mini dutch pancakes

#3: Chips on a stick

Oh, chips on a stick. My love for you is strong. I wish you were in my life everyday but the fact you’re only at novelty events is why I love you even more. I’d suggest going for the salt and vinegar or classic chicken salt options. But really, no matter what seasoning you choose, you won’t be disappointed.

Chips on a stick

# 2: Waffles on a stick 

Waffles are one of those foods you eat and think, ‘Life is great.’ The options are endless: do you want Nutella sauce? Strawberries? Sprinkles? Nuts? I WANTED IT ALL! But, knowing how many other Food on Sticks we were going to have to eat, we settled for Nutella and strawberry and boy, did it hit the spot.

Waffles on a stick

#1: Fairy Foss

While not TECHNICALLY the most delicious of Sticks (waffles takes out that prize) Fairy Floss is your classic carnival food. You only get to eat it at certain times of the year and to do so in front of the flashing lights of the Ferris Wheel just adds to the novelty. Also, how can you go wrong with fluffy sugar?!

The winner = fairy floss

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