“This time last week Elanor was alive,” writes Natalie Morgan in a heart-wrenching post on her Facebook page.
The 29-year-old mother was in her final days of pregnancy with baby Elanor.
“I was so ecstatic, knowing I could go into labour any second and bring our beautiful daughter home with me in a few short days.
“Right as I went to sleep that night was the last time I would ever feel her move.
“My sweet, sweet Eleanor Josephine was born sleeping September 11th. I went to bed the night of the 10th, and she was kicking away.
“I woke up, and she wasn’t. I couldn’t find the heartbeat on the home doppler. I knew. I just knew. I didn’t want to know…I wanted to be mistaken, but I knew.
“We went to Labor and Delivery immediately, praying the whole way there. They tried the doppler – nothing. Before they put the ultrasound wand on me, they ran the heartbeat monitor over my belly – nothing.
“My heart was sinking fast, and I remember thinking ‘This can’t be happening…this is just a dream…this can’t be happening…They’ll find something on the ultrasound…just something.’
“But these were feeble hopes, because again, I knew. I could tell they knew, too, but no one said anything until [her partner] Brian (who was parking the car) got there.”
Natalie says she shared the post to encourage parents everywhere to say a prayer of gratitude for their children.
“All I ask of you is when you have your dark moments with your baby – when you’re at your wits’ end and feel like you can’t go on anymore when you’re only getting an hour or two of sleep a night – instead of begging your child to go to sleep and wallowing in your frustration and exhaustion, say a prayer of gratitude for your child, as difficult as it may be in that moment.
“And if you would, say a prayer for me and all the mothers whose children were taken from them too soon. Say a prayer for my sweet, sweet Eleanor who never got to know life outside my womb.
“Please. Do it for Eleanor. And do it for her mommy who loves her and misses her beyond measure.”
To read the full post on Natalie’s Facebook, [click here]( https://www.facebook.com/natatomic/posts/10106237396793689

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