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Qantas serves up WTF side dish

A passenger couldn’t help but laugh after being presented with a rather phallic vegetable accompaniment to her dumplings on board her Sydney-to-Brisbane flight...
Qantas serves up WTF side dish

The Australian airline just gave ‘food porn’ a whole new meaning…


A business-class traveller was given a unique dining experience by Qantas when she opted for a light snack while on board a domestic flight from Sydney to Brisbane.

The woman, who prefers to remain anonymous, recalled the moment she was presented with a suspiciously phallic side dish to her six dumplings.

“I asked the server what it was… and he told me that it was a root vegetable,” she explained to

“I asked him to pass me my phone so I could take a photo … I never take photos of food but this was too funny to pass up.


“He blushed and was very apologetic, I don’t think he had ever seen anything quite like it… the lady next to me was cracking up.”

The woman’s Facebook post was met with many a witty remark.

Upon landing, the woman couldn’t help but share the hilarious snap to Facebook, where it received over 50 comments and exceeded more than 100 likes.

“A root vegetable is one way to describe it … I think you inadvertently just joined the mile-high club,” wrote one witty user.


“Did you ask for a stiff drink to accompany it?” another shared.

While the traveller admits the left the “root” untouched, she did, however, give her compliments to the chef for the “delicious” dumplings – the chef being Rockpool restauranteur Neil Perry, who worked in conjunction with Qantas to develop the business-class menu.

When contacted by, Qantas commented: “The dish pictured is Steamed Vegetarian Dumplings with Chilli Black Vinegar and Soy Dressing. The dumplings are accompanied with steamed Japanese Eggplant, which is used commonly in Asian meals.

“Based on this picture, we may look at renaming it Dumpling Surprise.”


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