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Meet the doctor who is healing the world one dance move at a time

Dr. Adnan Khera may be an anesthesiology resident at Boston's Tufts Medical Centre but in the mean streets of Boston he is the resident dancing doctor raising money for animal welfare.
Dancing Doctor

The medical practitioner hits the city’s sidewalks twice a week busking for charity.

His organisation, Doctor Be Dancing, has raised over $5,000 for assorted charities over the past three months.

The money goes to “Animals that need rescuing, children who are living in poverty and need school supplies, terminally ill children, and meals for people who have chronic illnesses,” according to CBS Boston.

On Adnan’s charity’s website he explains his “the goal of DoctorBeDancing is to demonstrate the power of the individual in improving their community by embracing their individuality.”

And this doc has the power of dance down pat. In fact he has grooved his way into the community’s heart, who love to join him in the fun.

“There are all sorts of people who come and dance with me,” Adnan smiled to the news network. “Homeless people, kids, college students, parents. Even if they don’t drop anything in the bucket, you know in that moment you’ve inspired someone.”

So while the doctor may be qualified to put his patients to sleep, his dance moves certainly liven everyone up! Adnan describes his style as “a mix of popping, crump and hip-hop.”

The Boston local believes dancing is just as important as his work as a doctor.

“Being a doctor is a lot about caring and a lot about comfort. You’re basically, ultimately, trying to form a connection with another human being and make their life better.”

What a complete and utter legend, keep on dancing Adnan.

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