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Zoo keeper fined in ‘menagerie a trois’

No animals were harmed in the altercation, which has ended up court.

In what may be the best introduction to a court story ever, the Telegraph in London today reports that a meerkat expert has been ordered to pay almost $2000 in compensation to a monkey handler after a row broke out over a llama keeper from the London zoo.

The report says the meerkat expert, Caroline Westlake (pictured above), glassed the monkey handler, Kate Sanders, at the Zoo’s Christmas party last December.

The women were believed to be at war over Adam Davies, who was the llama keeper, who dated both of them, separately.

The report says Caroline smashed Kate in the face with a wine glass “after overhearing her insulting her looks earlier in the evening.” She “wept in the dock as she was sentenced to a 12-month community order and ordered to pay £800 compensation.”

Kate Sanders. Image via Twitter.

Caroline apparently heard Kate telling friends: “Have you seen the state of her?”

She hit Kate on the side of her face. Unfortunately, she was holding a glass at the time and it broke on contact and “caused a cut to Miss Sanders’s face, a cut which was bleeding.”

Caroline was sacked by the zoo after the incident.

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