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Three women sexually assaulted a footballer after plying him with vodka

They also bizarrely cut up vegetables over his unconscious body.

Three women plied a 20-year-old footballer with vodka until he passed out then molested him, a court in England has heard.

Brogan Gillard, 26, Paige Cunningham, 22, and Shannon Jones, 20, all from Cumbria, have admitted to sexual assault at Preston Crown Court.

They now face jail time after footage filmed by the trio shows them dancing around the victim in what appears to be a bizarre sex ritual.

The women reportedly met the man on a night out and took him back to one of their homes. He was given vodka until he passed out, then molested. Bizarrely, they chopped onions over his unconscious body, and cut his hair.

The court heard that one of the women who had scissors asked “put in his bum?” before spreading his bottom cheeks.

The 20-year-old, who cannot be named for legal reasons, is said to have felt pain but didn’t suffer serious injury. He declined to give evidence.

They will be sentenced in January and have been ordered to sign the sex offenders’ register.

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