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Woman found frozen on street

Report indicates the woman "was not dressed for the elements and noted to be frozen."

A women has been found frozen to death after leaving a party in sub-zero temperatures.

The body of the 21-year-old woman, Elizabeth Luebke of Oshkosh was discovered by a passer-by at about 9am found near Keefe and Bremen in Milwaukee on Sunday, January 17th.

According to the medical examiner’s report, Luebke “was reportedly in the area for a concert, and following the concert, a house party near the location from where she was found.”

On the morning the young woman was found temperatures were hovering around -21C – the night before, when Luebke would have been walking home, wind chills dropped to -35C and the report indicates the woman “was not dressed for the elements and noted to be frozen.”

It is believed that Luebke was intoxicated and on her way home from the party at a friend’s when a surveillance camera in the neighborhood captured her collapse at the address where she was found, reports Fox.

Elizabeth Luebke.

America has been experiencing a third day of record-breaking temperatures, as low as -35 Fahrenheit in one part of Minnesota.

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